Why you can’t put the bag on the floor: superstition and etiquette

A bag is not just a personal item, but also a symbol of spiritual values. For this reason, it is worth treating the accessory with care and not leaving it where it does not belong at all. There are several reasons why you should not put your bag on the floor. And the matter is not only in signs.

Signs about the bag on the floor

The bag is on the ground

Sometimes, opening the door with a key, people briefly put a bag to free their hands. According to signs, even a short-term presence of an accessory on the floor can cause trouble.

In many cultures, gender is associated with something lower, negative. If you put the bag down, the money will flow to the floor, especially if it has a full wallet. So, the whole family will need finances.

But the sign does not only apply to material values. Due to such actions, moral damage can also be suffered, for example, encounter betrayal, including a loved one.

It is believed that this sign applies only to handbags. In fact, it is impossible to leave men's briefcases and voluminous sports backpacks at the doorstep. Such a habit can lead to parting with the second half and problems with the bosses.

It is difficult to say where this belief came from. Most likely, it has existed since those times when people did not have full valise bags, and all things had to be carried in a special bag - a wallet. Theft was widespread, that is, letting the wallet out of hand meant a guaranteed loss of property.

Although theft has decreased, no one is safe from theft, especially in crowded places. In ancient times, it was believed that a disorderly attitude to their things would not only entail theft, but would also turn away from the person of the gods - the patrons of wealth. From the evil eye and other troubles, it is worth putting a mirror or several coins in your purse.

Superstition is forbidden to put a bag on the floor both in your home and away. It is believed that this can lead to major financial troubles until the ruin of the owners.

One of the worst signs says that in no case should you put on the floor the baggage of a woman in labor. This behavior leads to a problematic birth. As many pregnant women become impressionable, they abide by this rule scrupulously.

Reasonable explanation of prohibition and etiquette

Bag on the sofa floor

The bag is not placed on the floor, if only because it is unhygienic. Even if the surface is clean, and there are special legs on the accessory, all the same, some bacteria and viruses will get on the skin when a person picks up a bag in his hands.

Of course, this does not apply to large suitcases on wheels. They are wiped upon arrival and put into the pantry.

The rules of modern etiquette do not take into account signs. In institutions, according to etiquette, a small clutch is placed on the table, and bulk bags are hung on the back or placed on the floor if the restaurant does not have a special chair. Men's briefcase is usually placed under the table. Superstitions in this case do not work, since a respectable audience goes to decent restaurants, which means that it is unlikely anyone would ever steal a diplomat or reticule.

At home, an accessory should take a special place, for example, a hook or a shelf in a closet.

A bag as a container of everything valuable and necessary should be treated carefully, regardless of whether the owner is superstitious or not. Not only money and documents can appear in personal luggage, but also smartphones with passwords. And their theft is a more serious problem than the loss of a wallet.

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Warm floor

