How to pump out sewers all year round yourself

There are no specific deadlines for filling the sewer tank if it needs to be cleaned in the country. Usually in winter, tanks are not used. This makes it possible to end the summer season.

In a private house

If we are talking about a private house, then it’s worth cleaning when the capacity is two-thirds of its volume. Monitoring the degree of congestion of the effluent does not depend on the annual period and should be carried out continuously. So that the filling of the drains does not come as a surprise, you can install float devices that monitor the liquid level and report this.

General procedure for cleaning sewers and cesspools

First you need to determine what the level of contamination. Then you should get rid of dirt and dust in the chambers and equipment. Next is the treatment of filters with sterile water. Having removed all large debris, hoses and pipes that are part of the mechanisms are cleaned. It is necessary to disinfect the treatment equipment itself, as well as replace broken parts and membranes in the compressor. It is necessary to add a certain number of biological products that will turn the fecal mass into a more fluid consistency.

Sewage pumping in winter

Usually, decomposition and decay processes prevent the mass from freezing in winter, which allows cleaning to be carried out almost the same as in summer. But it all depends on the terrain on which the sewage system is located. Too low temperatures can freeze feces. In this case, there are special models of septic tanks with a heating function. But if there is no opportunity to purchase such a septic tank, then a steam generator will help melt the waste.

To avoid unpleasant situations, for example, a full load of the pit, you need to think through several options in advance. If the septic tank is large, then it is enough to clean it before frost. But if its size is too small, make a pumping plan, avoiding days with the supposedly lowest temperatures.

Fecal pump

Pumps of this type have a special filter, which helps to serve without interruptions for a long time. There are three different types of pumps:

  • outer;
  • submersible;
  • semi-submersible (can not cope with feces).

The name of each of them depends on the location, which in turn comes from the method of withdrawal of effluents. The resulting waste is poured into tanks, they are taken out of the boundaries of the sites with specially prepared vehicles.

Disposal of waste on one's own is a very dangerous occupation both for the environmental situation and for the citizen carrying out this. In order not to become a violator, you need to contact the district institution engaged in the official disposal of waste and conclude an agreement with them.

Manual cleaning

This is a dirty and energy-intensive way to pump out. A minimum of 2 people will be required. On the handle of the bucket you need to tie the rope and, lowering the bucket into the pit, gain mass and pour it into the container. Another option is possible. Scoop feces from the shovels, also placing them in containers.

Each summer resident or the owner of a private house can independently engage in pumping sewage at any time of the year. It is necessary to remember the basic rules of pumping and disposal, to take care of the safety of the environment.

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