10 very beautiful and unpretentious indoor plants that will make your home more comfortable

The interior of each house needs to be decorated with plants, otherwise the room will seem unformed and uncomfortable. They not only help to make the room look better, but also have a calming effect, saturate it with additional oxygen. To care for flowers was not a burden, pay attention to several types of plants that do not need special conditions.


It is difficult to stop admiring this colorful flower. Its main attribute is the flowers, which can be yellow, orange and red. The ease of care for it lies in the fact that factors such as lighting or humidity do not matter much.

Clivia needs to be placed on the windowsill and protected from direct exposure to sunlight. Watering is necessary moderate. Closer to winter, watering is reduced or completely limited. After the appearance of the buds, you need to ensure that the flower receives a large amount of water.


Such a non-standard flower will definitely attract attention. Hoya needs room temperature and regular ventilation. Direct sunlight is best avoided, so it is worth placing it in partial shade. Alternatively, you can place a flower near the wall, and it will begin to braid it. Hoya is watered once a week, and with the approach of winter twice a month.

Indoor Gerbera

Even a beginner can cope with the care of this flower. The main rule during its cultivation is bright diffused light. If the room is dark, then additional lighting is needed.

It is important to maintain a high level of moisture. The temperature should be room temperature. By the beginning of winter, watering is done only in order to prevent the flower from drying out, and becomes more frequent with the onset of warm weather.


This is a fairly common flower for home growing due to its unpretentiousness. However, you need to understand that before you see the fruits of your efforts, several years will pass.

Hibiscus requires a lot of light. If there are no such conditions, then a phytolamp will come to the rescue. The temperature throughout the entire time should not be lower than 12 and more than 25 degrees. The plant loves moisture, so you need to water a lot, but not in the cold season.


Another popular houseplant, the care of which is similar to the previous ones. Geranium is not afraid of the sun, so it can be left on the windowsill with the greatest access to the rays. It must be borne in mind that she does not like drafts. Allowable temperature is from 14 to 25 degrees. It is watered 2-3 times a week in the summer and 1 time in the winter.

Lithops and succulents

Lithops - a type of flower related to succulents. And succulents are, in turn, plants adapted to drought due to special tissues that hold water. The lithops is also referred to as a “living stone," because its appearance is indistinguishable from a real stone.

Basic rules for the care of such plants:

  • temperature 12-25 degrees depending on the season;
  • watering is carried out 2-3 times a month, from January to March there is no such need;
  • regular airing;
  • Placement must be sunny
  • rocky soil.


Spathiphyllum has special flowers in shape. For its content, you should adhere to some rules:

  • protect from direct sunlight;
  • prevent drying and excessive water;
  • temperature of maintenance - 15-20 degrees;
  • water in the summer 3 times a week, in the winter - two.


It is impossible not to pay attention to the croton - its appearance is so attractive! Throughout the day, he needs sunlight, in the late afternoon - partial shade. The temperature should range from 16 to 22 degrees.

Watering the flower should be regular and moderate. High humidity is a condition optimal for its development. When in contact with this plant, it is important to be aware that its leaves contain strong poison.


This is a colorful flower that is completely unpretentious in the care. All that needs to be done is to maintain a temperature of 5 to 24 degrees, watered on a regular basis from March to September. After October, reduce the frequency of watering and provide access to bright diffused light.


Begonias are ornamental plants grown in fairly simple conditions. They require light, but without direct exposure to sunlight. For this flower, you need to choose one place and in the future do not disturb it with movements. Needs ventilation and high humidity. Frequent watering is optional.

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Warm floor

