Where you can’t hang a wall clock in an apartment

In the interior of the premises, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. Among other things, it is important to consider where you can not hang the clock in the apartment.

Opposite the front door

clock opposite the front door

There is a sign that the clock opposite the door promises misfortune. Believe it or not is a private matter for everyone. But even from a practical point of view, the device is inappropriate opposite the entrance to the apartment. It is not so important to know the exact time of your return home, and looking back before leaving is uncomfortable. Therefore, it is more logical to place the clock over the door itself. So going out will always know the exact time. And there are no bad signs on this subject.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, a clock, especially a wall clock, is a powerful tool that contributes to the flow of favorable energy in the home.

In the bedroom

clock in the bedroom

In the bedroom, the clock is inappropriate primarily because it is ticking and interferes with sleep. Even if a person does not wake up in the middle of the night due to the monotonous sound of a watch, in the morning he will still feel tired.

It is recommended to use an electronic alarm clock or a mobile phone in this room, and there is nothing to do with the large wall clock next to the bed.

Feng Shui laws also do not recommend placing watches in the bedroom. According to this spiritual practice, there is an energy exchange between people in the relaxation room, nothing should interrupt the process or distract from it.

In the nursery

watch in the nursery

Children react sharply to external stimuli. One of these unpleasant factors can be the ticking of a watch. Kids do not need to know the exact time, so it makes no sense to place a wall clock in the child’s room. If you still want to hang the device in the nursery (for example, to teach you how to value time from an early age), it is recommended to choose round models with large contrasting arrows.

In the student’s room, the clock can be hung above the study area or placed on a shelf of the rack.

To the ends of the world not to Feng Shui

Wooden clock

For practice, Feng Shui is very important material from which the wall clock is made. It is necessary that he does not conflict with the elements that prevail in a particular side of the world.

According to Feng Shui, the following rules must be followed:

  • there is no place for a metal clock on the eastern wall;
  • for western - only metal and fit;
  • on the south - only a wooden clock can be placed;
  • in the north - porcelain, ceramic or plastic, but not wooden.

Observing the rules for placing wall clocks, you can create a favorable atmosphere in the apartment, eliminate potential causes for quarrels and scandals. It is best to hang them in the hallway above the front door, in the living room above the sofa, as well as in the kitchen. In these places, time measuring instruments will perfectly fulfill their practical purpose and will not violate the laws of Feng Shui.

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