Dangerous beauty: 9 colors that can not be kept in the apartment

Many housewives adore indoor flowers. Beautiful plants delight the eye and warm the soul, and the appearance of buds gives a feeling of true happiness. But there are flowers that cannot be kept in the apartment, their place is in the flowerbed.

Decorative fern

Decorative fern

Ferns look very good in the interior of the living room. But unfortunately, absolutely all types of these plants are strong allergens. They can be grown at home only if the owners are sure that none of the households have an increased sensitivity to these colors. We should not forget about the health of potential guests.



This beautiful flower can also lead to an allergic reaction, but quite rarely. However, the oleander has other unpleasant properties: its aroma causes dizziness and bouts of nausea, and sometimes fainting even occurs. The juice of this plant provokes skin burns, and if it gets into the eyes, it can even deprive a person of vision. With such a set of qualities, the plant definitely does not have a place on the windowsill.



A beautiful flower, often used for bonsai techniques, is dangerous with its leaves. They contain glycoside, which causes nausea and cramps when ingested. All work with this plant should be carried out with gloves, and it is especially not recommended to keep it in an apartment with children and animals. In addition, azalea is an allergen.



A spectacular deciduous plant not only looks poisonous, but it is in fact. Unlike most other flowers, alocasia is dangerous not only by juice, but even by evaporation of the roots. All parts of the plant contain mercury and hydrocyanic acid. All manipulations with him should be carried out with goggles and gloves, and it is generally forbidden to keep him in the apartment.



There are many types of this plant. Some are covered with thorns and resemble cacti, while others look like small palm trees. Juice of all types of milkweed when it enters the body causes poisoning, therefore it is forbidden to grow a plant in an apartment where there are children. And prickly varieties should not be considered as indoor flowers at all - their injections are poisonous.

Ivy evergreen

Ivy evergreen

Everyone knows that ivy is poisonous. But for some reason this does not stop some gardeners. The leaves, stems and berries of the plant are so dangerous that they can even cause death when consumed. Of course, an adult will not chew ivy, but a small child is quite capable of it. For animals, the plant is also very dangerous. Cats are especially fond of him, which is why they suffer. In a word, ivy is not the place in the apartment.



This extremely popular flower is also far from harmless. Its juice causes poisoning and burns of the mucous membrane, and contact with the skin is fraught with redness and itching. As long as the leaves of the plant are intact, it is absolutely safe. But if there are small children or animals in the house, Dieffenbachia should be abandoned.



The classic "office" plant has the same properties as dieffenbachia. Burns, itching, and if the juice gets inside - poisoning or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. These plants are safe until they are damaged. But since flowerpots usually stand on the floor, any pet can easily violate the conditions of the monstera.



One of the most popular and favorite indoor flowers is known for its ability to cause migraines and asthma attacks. It should not be kept in the apartment if someone from the household suffers from these diseases, and also often complains about well-being.

Poisonous juice, the ability to cause allergies and poisoning - these and other reasons are good enough to give up some varieties of plants and make a choice in favor of safe flowers.

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Warm floor

