8 places in the apartment in which it is better not to store money

Some people do not trust banks and prefer to keep large amounts at home. But there is a list of places in the apartment where money cannot be stored.

Under the mattress

Woman hides money under the mattress

Hiding savings under a mattress or pillow is not a good idea. It is believed that banknotes are able to absorb the energy of their former owners, and it is not always positive. Therefore, money located near a berth can transmit negative vibrations to a person, which negatively affects his emotional and physical health.

In addition, it is believed that the money under the mattress is "falling asleep", as a result of which the material situation of their owners worsens. For the same reason, it is not recommended to hide cash in a box with bedding or a wardrobe.

In products

Dollars in a three-liter jar

Many people prefer to keep their savings in a bank, and not in a financial institution, but in containers for bulk products. In this case, the money not only charges the food with negative energy, but also carries a more tangible threat. The fact is that bills are passed from hand to hand, which means that a large number of pathogenic microbes accumulate on them. When ingested with food, they can cause various diseases.

In the toilet bowl

Money bag in hand near the toilet bowl

Heroes of many films prefer to hide cash in the toilet bowl. Due to this, this method of storage has become very popular. But this is not the best option. First of all, in this "secluded" place it is always damp, which negatively affects the state of banknotes, especially if they are tightly packed. And for thieves, the money hidden in the tank can be easy prey.

In books

100-dollar bills are hidden in a book

The method of storing paper money in books is considered the most common. But not only the banknote owners know about it, but also the attackers. Therefore, for a thief who has entered the apartment, it will not be difficult to find money, unless the room is similar to a public library with many books.

On the kitchen

A woman puts money in a piggy bank held by her daughter

The main reason why money cannot be stored in the kitchen is, again, negative energy. Those who believe in esoteric prefer to keep notes out of the way of eating.

In drawers

Money in the box

It is not recommended to keep large amounts in drawers. This is due to the great availability: the banknotes stored there can be easy prey for an attacker.

In the hall

Dollars in and around the suitcase

According to esoteric teachings, it is not recommended to store money in the hallway. After all, there is a large number of strangers living in it. Money can feel it and accept it, which means that it is very likely that the bills will "leave" in the near future from their previous owner.

In the freezer or oven

A pack of dollars in a freezer next to groceries

The reasons for the ban on storing money in a freezer or oven are quite materialistic. Exposure to low or high temperatures can damage bills. Therefore, holding banknotes in these places is highly undesirable.

Thus, not all rooms in the apartment are suitable for storing paper notes. Therefore, it is best to take them to a trusted financial company, where the money will not only be safe, but also profit. You can also equip a safe place in a secluded place, for example, put a safe.

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