7 signs of cheap interior, which is better to get rid of

Updating the design of a room or repairing is a costly undertaking and requires significant financial investments. It is even more offensive when, after all the modifications, the interior looks cheap, even despite the high cost of this or that thing. There are items that by themselves look unpresentable and should be avoided in interior design.

You have artificial flowers in your house

Gone are the days when plastic plants were in fashion, standing just to collect dust. Having them in the house automatically reduces the price of your interior, even if an astronomical amount was spent on furniture and repairs. It is much better to buy a living flower in a pot, because in addition to the decorative function, they also purify the air. If you don’t have enough money to buy a living plant or you are not a fan of indoor flowers, then it’s better not to put anything in the room at all than to replace them with artificial surrogates.

You have an abundance of curtains on the windows

The leading place as a "dust collector" and a negative impression is occupied by windows hung with tulle and blackout curtains. Add to this the plastic blinds that were fashionable to hang on the windows about 20 years ago, and get a typical example of an old-fashioned cheap interior. Thin tulle is quite enough for window decoration. But if you still want to periodically hide from the outside world, then get Roman blinds that look modern and fresh, and do not require laborious care.

You have a wall tile with pictures in the kitchen

If during the repair in the kitchen you had the idea to lay a working apron with tiles depicting cups, plates, fruits, still lifes and landscapes, then it is better to refuse this venture. In the picture on the Internet, such a tile looks good, but in reality it gives your kitchen the look of a cheap dining room. But if the desire to somehow decorate the kitchen with tiles does not leave you in any way, pay attention to abstract patterns that look stylish and attractive.

You have curved chipboard furniture in your home

The main advantage of particleboard over other materials is its low cost. But be prepared for the fact that the quality of this furniture will be appropriate. If you still decide to purchase such furniture, avoid elaborate designs with a claim to high cost - it looks ridiculous and ridiculous. Particleboard furniture looks better in darker shades. Add bright details to it to avoid excessive gloom. Light particleboard should be a muted shade, as close as possible to the color of real wood.

You have gilded metal parts in your house

If the part is not made of precious metal, then it should not be golden. “Golden” handles on doors and furniture look very cheap, and when, after a while, the so-called “gilding” starts to climb, the appearance of your interior will become even more deplorable.

You have plaster stucco on the ceiling

If you do not live in a medieval castle, then decorating the ceiling with stucco molding is not a good idea. If you want to add chic and high cost to your interior, you will get the exact opposite effect.

You have old dirty carpets hanging on the walls

Now wall carpets are back in fashion. If you decide to return this tradition from the USSR to your apartment, then remember that it should be suitable for furniture, decor elements and room decoration. Carpets hanging on the wall should not be frayed and stained.

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