9 rituals that will clean the house of negativity

If everything breaks down in your house, and there are constant quarrels between family members - it's time to think about cleansing from the negative. Folk recipes will remove bad energy and return love, understanding and former comfort to the house.

With maple leaves

A ceremony with maple leaves is performed in autumn, when the leaves turn yellow and fall. It is effective when quarrels begin in the family and comes to the point that sometimes you just do not want to go home.

On a warm, warm day, pick maple leaves. For each family member, 3 sheets. So, if you live with your husband and child in an apartment - you will need 9 leaves. It is very important to carry out the ritual of purification when you are alone at home and no one will interfere. Turn off the TV, computer, radio and all other household appliances from outlets.


  1. Gather maple leaves in a bouquet, dress them with red wool thread, leaving a long end.
  2. First, go through all the rooms, as if sweeping a bouquet of leaves from the floors. Speak loudly to the names of your loved ones living in the house.
  3. Then you need to sweep all the corners with maple leaves.
  4. Put the bouquet in the middle of the room where you are most often going (living room, kitchen).
  5. Loudly say that maple leaves have swept away all the negativity from the house and now the family will no longer quarrel.
  6. You need to take out the leaves in the evening, put them on the crossroads and leave. Do not turn around!

Neither before nor after the ritual tell your family about what you did. Very soon you will see how relations normalize, and there will not be a trace of quarrels.

Maple has always been considered a tree that protects families and home. It is very useful to have a talisman or talisman from this tree - then you should not be afraid that something will harm family happiness.

With a candle

You will need a thin church candle made of natural wax. With its help, you can clean the room and remove all the evil and negativity from the house. This ritual is a kind of "ambulance" if the trouble started at home:

  • cheating spouse;
  • frequent illnesses of children;
  • missing money, things;
  • frequent breakdowns of equipment;
  • theft.

Unfortunately, if 2-3 events from this list occur in 1 month, then this is already a symptom of damage. Someone wished you evil or envied.

What do we have to do:

  1. Light a candle in front of the apartment. The house should be dark, do not turn on the light.
  2. Enter the apartment.
  3. You need to go through the room with a lit candle, reading “Our Father” 3 times in each of the rooms.
  4. After that, go out the door again and leave the candle to burn out already on the street.
  5. The cinder must be taken to the nearest church and left there.

A consecrated candle will take upon itself bad energy and spoilage, take it away from home. After this ritual you will feel that even breathing has become easier at home.

With apples and wormwood

You can do it every 3 months. A simple rite allows you to maintain a pleasant energy at home, protects all family members from troubles:

  1. Buy or collect 6 apples. Best if they are multi-colored.
  2. Roll them across the floor from the front door to the windows. Ask loved ones to help or do it yourself - as you like best. Joint ritual will only bring relatives closer.
  3. These apples must not be eaten! As soon as a ride on all floors of the house - immediately take to the street, throw or bury.
  4. After that, you need to light dry wormwood and fumigate all the corners.

With acorns

In autumn, collect acorns and leave until winter to lie in every corner of the house. At Christmas time (January 6-19), you need to take them out of the house and bury them in the snow next to the church. At the same time, think about how together with them you remove everything bad from your life.

With salt

Purification with salt is also done when you suspect damage or evil eye. You will need 1 kg of large white sea salt:

  1. Pour tightly at the threshold inside the apartment (wall to wall).
  2. Put under the window sills on all windows of the house.

If the salt darkens after 1 day, it means that there is definitely an evil eye or spoilage in your house. Then quickly sweep away the salt with a broom and take it out of the house. There it must be dispelled in the wind.

If it has not darkened, then you can just throw it in the morning. In any case, she will absorb the negative and all the bad things in the house.

With onion

It will help if the family began to get sick often or even a member of the family has a serious illness:

  1. In each room, lay a whole onion so that it does not get sunlight.
  2. Every time whisper “let all the bad things leave the house, let the diseases not affect our family and children, let all the bad and bad things go to the onion”.
  3. Leave it for 3 days and do not touch.
  4. After 3 look what happened to them. If the bulb in one of the rooms begins to rot, then the evil eye lies on your house, and this is the reason for the disease.

Then the bulbs must be collected, taken out and left at the intersection.

With garlic

A very simple rite that will help if you often argue with your husband. Quarrels in the family about the accumulation of negative energy. If you find how to quickly neutralize it, then the quarrels will pass:

  1. Peel the garlic.
  2. Hide the clove under the carpet (if there are carpets).
  3. Put under the bed and under the cabinets.

Garlic will absorb all the negativity into itself. After 1 week, you need to get all the cloves and discard. Do not worry, there will be no unpleasant smell in the apartment from garlic - it will dry out soon.

With hypericum

It is important to buy St. John's wort in the market, and not in a pharmacy. There should be whole stems with leaves. Dry it yourself on parchment paper. Close all windows before starting the ritual. Then:

  1. Put in a metal bowl and light.
  2. If the apartment is large, you need to go around the house so that smoke enters all rooms (bath and toilet, too).
  3. As soon as the whole St. John's wort burns out - open the windows wide. Let all the smoke come out and the room clean. Ashes must be dispelled in the wind.

St. John's wort was believed to be disinfecting and cleansing in Russia. It was customary to hang a broom from St. John's wort behind the stove so that he would collect all the negativity.

With water

The first thing that attracts bad energy is gold. You need to collect all the gold from the apartment and put it in water. Keep 5 nights on the windowsill so that moonlight hits the water with gold. After that, water needs to be poured into the ground on the street. Over time, you will feel how much easier and more pleasant the atmosphere in the house has become. Repeat 2 times a year.

These simple recipes for returning happiness to the house do not fail. And if someone else does not believe in the power of rituals, then just try it - the effect will surprise and delight you. Some of them can even be repeated several times a year to remove all negativity and clean the apartment of everything that could interfere with the happiness of the family.

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Warm floor

