The 9 most unexpected places in the kitchen where mold can hide

Mold is not the most desirable phenomenon in an apartment. In addition to toxic secretions, which, when ingested, begin to slowly poison it, the fungus provokes the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic and oncological diseases. Especially dangerous is the presence of this scourge in the kitchen, because mold can easily get into the stomach with food.

Look at the kitchen apron

An insidious fungus can be found both on an apron made of fabric, and from other materials. Therefore, those who often cook, it is necessary to constantly treat the kitchen clothes with a disinfectant solution. Better yet, wash it regularly and put it in the wash. This will prevent the accumulation of moisture and fat on the apron - the main nutrient medium for the fungus.

Do not forget about the compartment for vegetables

Over-ripened vegetables in the refrigerator are the most favorable environment for the occurrence of fungus, especially if the products were placed in a compartment with existing mold. Not very low temperatures and constant humidity will aggravate the process. To exclude the appearance of a fungus, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  • regularly wash the vegetable compartment with a soda solution (1 tsp. in a glass of warm water);
  • from time to time to lay fresh paper towels at the bottom of the compartment (to eliminate excess moisture);
  • promptly eliminate spoiled vegetables.

Check jars for cereals

An incompletely dried cereal storage tank or improper storage of the product itself often leads to the formation of fungus inside the jar. Even washed rice or buckwheat becomes unsuitable for cooking. To prevent food spoilage, thoroughly rinse the storage jars with vinegar or soapy water. Before falling asleep cereals, the container should be thoroughly dried.

Look at the kitchen accessories

An ideal greasy mildew environment may also appear on kitchen utensils. Particularly dangerous are damaged accessories that are used for a long time.

Regular revision of kitchen equipment for cooking will help to avoid the formation of an unpleasant phenomenon. To increase the service of devices, they need to be thoroughly cleaned of food residues with a special detergent, as well as mandatory drying. Wet kitchen utensils are not recommended to be placed in the cabinet, as this will create a favorable environment for the formation of fungus.

Check in the microwave

Even the best housewives sin by leaving the door closed after using the microwave. This is not recommended, because moisture remains inside, which creates an excellent environment for mold.

If the attack nevertheless made itself felt, you should thoroughly wash the device from the inside, remembering to remove and clean the turntable. After that, pour vinegar into a glass container and place it inside the microwave for several minutes. Then open the door and allow the appliance to dry well. Drying the oven thoroughly is recommended for at least 10 minutes after each use.

Dishwasher mold

Constant exposure to hot water and detergent on the inside of the appliance does not guarantee that mold does not form in this area. Some hard-to-reach parts of the machine, for example, rubber seals (inlays), even with careful ventilation, retain moisture. It is in these places that there is a risk of fungus.This can be avoided by leaving the machine open for half an hour before it dries.

Check kitchen towels

Since mold loves moisture most of all, a towel can be called one of its most favorite habitats. Especially the one that is constantly used to wipe wet hands. This also includes a rag with a sponge for washing dishes. It is recommended that towels be replaced as often as possible in order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant guest. It is best to wash such equipment at the maximum temperature that can be set on the typewriter.

Move the refrigerator back

Anyone who at least once pushed this appliance away could notice an accumulation of condensation, dirt and debris underneath it. Since this place is considered inaccessible, keeping it clean is not so simple. Therefore, an unpleasant raid can often be found under the refrigerator even with the most clean housewife. You can eliminate the fungus in this place with a special disinfectant or vinegar.

Do not forget about air conditioning

Due to the nature of the operation of this appliance, mold may form inside it, since moisture remains inside even after being turned off. Getting rid of the fungus will help timely cleaning of the unit, which should be carried out as often as possible. Experts recommend performing the procedure at least once a year.

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