A modern apartment that Marie Antoinette would like: 5 simple tricks to add royal chic to the interior

Creating a royal interior in a single modern apartment is not easy. When the area of ​​housing exceeds 200 square meters. m., and behind its windows a well-groomed garden can count on a decent result. To maintain the rococo style in an ordinary apartment, some details of the atmosphere, imbued with the spirit of the famous Queen of France, will help.

Royal interior

More candy shades

Candy interior

18th century palette associated with pastel pink, blue and green tones. The muffling of colors is due to the absence of saturated dyes in those days. Especially realistic is their combination with precious metals.

Style makes it possible to use "sweet" shades not only in the children's room, but also in other rooms. Candy-colored textiles, furniture, floors or walls would surely appeal to Marie Antoinette. In the film of the same name, the clothes of the heroes are made in the same gamut.

Many colors


The royal style in the interior requires the presence of blooming buds in all their manifestations. The image of flowers is appropriate on any element of the interior:

  • curtains;
  • linens;
  • screen;
  • walls;
  • furniture;
  • floor;
  • ceiling.

In theory, it is permissible to use such a print in high concentration, but in a small room it will look ridiculous. Sometimes it’s enough to highlight one thing, for example, a wall using chinoiserie wallpaper.

Necessarily the presence of fresh bouquets or floral arrangements.

Small details of great luxury


Crystal and gilding are the main attributes of the rococo style. Lighting is assigned one of the main roles. Be sure to have several light sources:

  • graceful crystal chandelier;
  • sconce;
  • lamps in the form of candles;
  • gilded candelabra.

Crystal glasses, caskets and other decorative details are also useful to maintain a stylistic direction. The main thing is not to force them all the free space, as in a historical exhibition.

Beautiful drapery


Textiles take up maximum space. Tablecloths to the floor, pelmets, multilayer curtains, air canopies, curtains with the image of flower garlands and bedspreads with fringe will come in handy. Furniture upholstery can have a rich floral ornament. In a modern interior, this technique is appropriate in spacious rooms with high ceilings.

A lot of light and mirrors


The room in the style of Marie Antoinette should be symmetrical, with large windows and mirrors of different sizes. The abundance of light and the effect of endless reflection create an atmosphere of limitless royal halls.

The above methods will definitely bring royal touches to the interior of a modern apartment.

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Warm floor

