What does your ideal kitchen look like depending on the zodiac sign

Astrologers say that it is the zodiac sign of the mistress of the house that determines the style of the home interior. Therefore, to find your perfect kitchen, it is worth listening to the promptings of heavenly bodies. And let each sign find its own kitchen paradise.

Aries - minimalism with plenty of light

Aries will prefer a minimalistic interior and bright, pure colors - red, orange, blue. At the same time, Aries avoids purple - this color provokes discouragement in the interior, and energetic, cheerful Aries can not stand this condition.

Love for technical innovations is characteristic of this sign. A coffee machine, a food processor, a modern stove - all these things will certainly be purchased by Aries. But from trinkets that make cleaning difficult, they will wish to refuse. Everything should be convenient and functional.

The abundance of shiny surfaces, light, minimalism and modernity is the ideal Aries cuisine.

Taurus - functional and family-friendly kitchen

Taurus prefer cosiness and functionality. Traditional interiors, convenience and comfort surround this sign in his house. Taurus love bright spring colors - blue, orange, yellow, but avoid red, which is completely unpleasant to them.

In Taurus’s kitchen you can see family “treasures”: grandmother’s butterdish or cup, old samovar, wooden or clay household items - everything is carefully stored and used whenever possible.

Comfort and functionality - the perfect Taurus cuisine.

Gemini - a kitchen where different styles are mixed

A mixture of different styles is typical for Gemini. The duality of character affects the creation of the interior. It coexists things of different eras and styles.

The kitchen is a comfortable, well-organized space with furniture in gray-blue or light yellow. Twins do not like green shades and do not acquire things for the house in these colors.

Eclecticism in Gemini's kitchen is a common thing.

Cancer - a simple kitchen with calm colors

The simpler, the better - with these words Cancers are guided, furnishing their kitchen. Everything is designed in white, light blue and pale green colors. Crayfish shun gray.

The artistic nature of this sign is manifested in the creation of decorative items with their own hands. So, the picture above the dining table is most often painted by Cancer with his own hand.

The interior of the Crayfish kitchen is simple and calm.

Lion - trendy design kitchen

Lions love everything bright and fashionable. Their kitchen is equipped with the latest technology. Leo's furniture and utensils can be gold, purple, orange and even black. Just not white. The “lunar” subconscious of Leo is reflected in the desire to surround oneself with things that carry a charge of positive and calm.

Despite the abundance of technical innovations and ultramodern equipment, in the kitchen of Leo you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Virgo - cuisine - organized paradise

Virgo cuisine is an organized "paradise". It has everything for preparing a wholesome, healthy meal. The pastel colors of the furniture are white, blue, green, and even such a complex color as purple can be found.

Cleanliness and order in the room, in lockers and in the refrigerator are the hallmark of this sign.

Libra - a bright and elegant kitchen

The light, energetic character of Libra is reflected in the atmosphere of the kitchen. The good taste of this sign allows you to equip it with the inherent elegance of Libra. In the setting - the color of the sea wave and dark green are successfully combined with pastel colors.Decorative items can imitate opal, jasper, malachite. The abundance of fixtures provides bright lighting for this elegant interior.

Scorpio - loft style kitchen

A loft-style kitchen is exactly the solution for Scorpio. Yellow, dark scarlet, crimson tones are successfully combined with bleached brick walls and the floor of the "raw" wood. The complex nature of Scorpio is reflected in the situation - the furniture can be rough, home-made or ultra-modern, in the style of high-tech. Such an interior involves equipment with the latest technology, but this is not entirely true. A coffee machine is often the only concession to modernity in Scorpio’s kitchen.

Sagittarius - large kitchen with bright colors

The large Sagittarius kitchen shimmers with bright shades of blue, cyan and crimson. Of the metals, zinc and tin predominate. Representatives of this sign love to eat alone, but in the kitchen everything is provided for family dinners.

A foodie by nature, Sagittarius acquires all the novelties for cooking delicious food.

Capricorn - a bright kitchen with high ceilings

Capricorn will prefer a bright kitchen with a high ceiling. And this is the rare case when there are dark tones in the setting. If the decoration of furniture is dominated by brown, dark green, ash and black colors - this is Capricorn's house. This sign does not like changes in its home, which applies to its kitchen. Once and for all, the routine does not change. This applies to both the interior and cooking.

Aquarius - a modern and sleek kitchen design

Aquarians mentally live in the future, so everyday problems are solved in the most modern ways. Simplicity and conciseness prevail in the kitchen of this sign. Everything is subject to expediency. The cheerful Aquarius ignore the black color. Their kitchen is dominated by purple, blue-green, gray. Kitchen appliances are simple but practical. Aquarians do not complicate their lives by preparing complex dishes, but the food they prefer is always carefully prepared.

Fish - a practical kitchen with a creative touch

Pisces has a simple kitchen, not distinguished by its exquisite interior and unusual decoration. Here the colors and shades of the sea reign: purple, aquamarine, green, blue. Furniture fittings steel. Fish love sensual pleasures and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, experiencing new culinary recipes. Cooking for them is both creativity and pleasure. Pisces may not have a modern food processor, but there’s definitely an old pepper mill.

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